November 19, 2003

Worth Reading

This morning I am again struck by what a wonderful news and events blog Betsy Newmark publishes. It's a great way to start the morning and grab items of interest that many of the more heavily-trafficked sites often miss. And she's an elementary school teacher as well, which is cool (when at her site visit the page she publishes for her students).

And it's all in the family with the Newmarks: Her husband publishes a blog here, and her 11th-grade daughter, Meredith, publishes a blog here, which is a great read. Indeed, you have to love 11th-graders who write things like this:

I'm just not getting why something that seems so obvious—that taking Saddam out of power makes things better than they were before—to most rational people is so not obvious to, say, the Democrats running for president. Or to Amnesty International. Or to Old Europe. I've said it before and I'll say it again: these people need corrective lenses for their hindsight. As my dad sometimes says, “Your world may look like mine, but it's actually very different.”

And when I was 16 I was … well, I wasn't writing that. (Now, I'm not really a mover-and-shaker in the blogosphere, though I play on on TV. That said, I liked Meredith’s blog so much I may just wield the Great Sword of Linkage … so Michele, link to her blog, will ya?)

Posted by Avocare at November 19, 2003 08:13 AM | TrackBack

I certainly will as soon as Blogrolling is done with their maintainance. Good call.

Posted by: michele at November 19, 2003 08:27 AM
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