August 23, 2003

Rain After The Drought

Tonight if you pause, close your eyes, and listen closely, in the far and cool evening air (and on ESPN) you will hear the sound of college football.

The long drought is over; all may drink deep from the well, beginning tonight with peaking drams of Cal v. Kansas State. (10-7 K. State at the end of the first, BTW.) Of course, those with an insatiable passion for the game are likely on our second round, given that the high school football season in many towns began last night.

I certainly had a glass, as I spent three quarters in the Salt Lake loaming watching the Skyline Eagles destroy the (hated) Brighton Bengals. (I coached at Skyline for three years in the pre-Philadelphia days, and played there as a kid … I know: grow up … but damn, I love high school football. 99 times out of 100, the kids simply want to play, and they desperately want to win. The game is never as pure as on the gridiron of the American high school.)

So drink up. The NBA season will be here before you know it to spoil the buzz.

In other sports linkage, Wife forwarded this very cool link today: Travels With Stanley, the NHL’s official page tracking the day-to-day movements of the Stanley Cup (held, incidentally, by Wife’s favorite NHL franchise, the New Jersey Devils). Most recent stop on the Cup Tour: A family breakfast at the Bob Evans Family Restaurant in Brunswick, Ohio, hosted by Devil Michael Rupp. Also worth reading in the site: the account of the Stanley Cup passing through airport security in Prague.

Posted by Avocare at August 23, 2003 08:31 PM | TrackBack

sweet post re the game, thanks.

Posted by: john at August 24, 2003 10:49 AM
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