June 26, 2003


Tuesday my lovely wife enjoyed a birthday many consider a milestone (in the interest of marital bliss, I’ll leave the number to your imagination). During our dinner, I asked, “So what lessons have you learned in your years? If aliens dropped down to this world and asked for advice on how to live their lives, what three lessons would you try to impart?”

Her response will remain private, but here are my answers to the question:

1. Appreciate that there are people in the world who will try to do you harm. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t trust anyone … but understand that the world really does hold people who will try to do you wrong.

2. Carefully manage your money.

3. That said, appreciate that the things in life that will give you the most satisfaction are nearly always free, and most often lie in the people or nature around you.

Note that the first two are unrelated: I've not had anything embezzled by a former business partner. How would you answer? Feel free to respond in the comments (both of you).

Posted by Avocare at June 26, 2003 01:56 PM | TrackBack

Okay, here goes...these have worked for me so far...

1. Trust your instincts.

2. If you make yourself proud, others will follow. (I think you taught me this one.)

3. Don't let opportunities pass you by. True opportunities are rare, so don't waste them.

Posted by: CB at June 27, 2003 05:58 PM

CB, you rock. Thanks for the compliment.

Posted by: Alan at June 27, 2003 06:59 PM

1. Remember to laugh

2.Failure often leads to an opportunity to achieve.

3. Time will pass much more quickly that one thinks it will ( particularly to those young in age). Don't reject an opportunity because it may involve an investment of a few years of "time".

4. Remember to laugh

Posted by: Gwen at June 28, 2003 07:56 AM
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