June 22, 2003

This Guy Doesn't Get It

When blogrolling tonight I came across this post by Kathy at 3rd Hand. It links to this story by Dave Barry in the Houston Chronicle. Here's a sample:

We are worried, here in the newspaper business (motto: "What, YOU never make misstakes?"). We're hearing that you readers have lost your faith in us. Polls show that, in terms of public trust, the news media now rank lower than used-car salespeople, kidnappers, tapeworms, Hitler, and airline flight announcements. (We are still slightly ahead of lawyers.) ...

... I think the public is genuinely unhappy with us. Lately, when I tell people I work for a newspaper, I've detected the subtle signs of disapproval -- the dirty looks; the snide remarks; the severed animal heads in my bed.

How did we get into this situation? Without pointing the finger of blame at any one institution, I would say it is entirely the fault of the New York Times.

Read the rest; Barry only amplifies his smart-ass tone.

I'm glad he finds public doubt in the media's so funny. I understand that he is primarily a "humor columnist." I understand that he's won a Pulitzer Prize. But I've had enough of media arrogance, and this article is simply salt in the wounds of a public trust long since broached.

Personally, I hope the increaslingly democratized nature of public information ultimately reduces the demand for professionally sanctioned media ... reduces it to such a level that Dave Barry, and journalists of his ilk, wonder preciesly when they became so unneccessary.

Posted by Avocare at June 22, 2003 09:08 PM | TrackBack
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