March 13, 2003

The Six Tests:

The UK has set out six conditions that Iraq must fulfill to avoid war, calling for them to be attached to a new UN Security Council resolution. You can read details at the BBC here, and at the Times here. The six new tests of disarmament are:

1 A public statement by Saddam admitting that he has concealed weapons of mass destruction and a pledge to disarm

2 A commitment to allow at least 30 Iraqi scientists to travel with their families and be interviewed outside Iraq

3 Surrender all anthrax and produce credible evidence of their destruction

4 Complete the destruction of all al-Samoud missiles

5 Account for all unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), including details of any testing of spraying devices for chemical and biological weapons

6 Surrender all mobile chemical and biological production facilities

The UK is, correctly, doing whatever it can to solve the diplomatic problem and give Blair some much needed relief. All this list of six tests says, of course, is "do what you've committed, but failed, to do since the first UN resolution 12 years ago."

Posted by Avocare at March 13, 2003 12:25 AM
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