February 22, 2003

Another Sign Of The Impending Apocalypse:

It seems I can't click over to CNN anymore without finding something new to piss me off. Today's irritation: The plaintiffs have amended and re-filled the obesity lawsuit against McDonald's, accusing MCD of

deceptive practices in the advertising, processing and sale of foods, including Chicken McNuggets, Filet-O-Fish, Chicken Sandwich, french fries and hamburgers.

Plaintiff's lead counsel, Samuel Hirsch is seeking to expand the case to a class-action suit

on behalf of "hundreds of thousands of New York state residents under the age of 18" who suffer health problems as a result of eating McDonald's food.

At least he's egalitarian ...

"Contrary to what many may think, we are not looking to get rich from a large money settlement," Hirsch told CNN. "We are proposing a fund that will educate children about the nutritional facts and contents of McDonald's food."

And I'm sure Hirsch is working for a flat fee. But of course, we should sympathize with the hapless, unknowing victims. Such as Israel Bradley, father of one of the plaintiffs. This poor man

never saw anything in the Bronx restaurants that informed him of the food's ingredients. "I always believed McDonald's was healthy for my children," he said in an affidavit.

Holy Jesus ... just what the world needs, more litigiousness paired with stupidity. Somebody wake me when it's over.

Posted by Avocare at February 22, 2003 09:12 AM
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