February 01, 2003

Behind The Vail: Jeff Grimshaw

Behind The Vail: Jeff Grimshaw forwarded this Esquire article by Ron Suskind about Karl Rove several months ago, and I've reflected on it often in light of the SOTU. You should, too.

The calls from members of the White House staff were solemn, serious. Their concern was not only about politics, they said, not simply about Karl pulling the president further to the right. It went deeper; it was about this administration’s ability to focus on the substance of governing—issues like the economy and social security and education and health care—as opposed to its clear political acumen, its ability to win and enhance power. And so it seemed that each time I made an inquiry about Karl Rove, I received in return a top-to-bottom critique of the White House’s basic functions, so profound is Rove’s influence.

Posted by Avocare at February 1, 2003 12:36 AM
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